This course trains Fast Rescue Craft /Boat Proficiency (FRC/FRB) personnel for offshore deployment to meet the standards of guidelines set by IOGP and IMO for RO-RO vessels. Participants receive the necessary competence to carry out the monitoring of emergencies at sea, inclusive of FRC duties, risk management, safety checks, use of equipment, and safe handling. This course is required under the law for seafarers working in the offshore and passenger ferry industries.
The Fast Rescue Craft / Boat
course has been designed according to the norms of IMO. The training is
mandatory for persons working on FRC/FRB, as mandated to be deployed on
offshore fields by IOGP and on RO-RO
passenger vessels by IMO.
The Rig Contingency Plans would detail, with regard to any given vessel type and equipment deployed, the actions to be performed in the event of a calamity on-board, including how this calamity would be dealt with and the plans as regards rescue and subsequent treatment of any casualties, with specific focus on FRBs. The emergency procedure will include the initial actions to be followed by the Master, FRB, and crew before, during, and after launching an FRB. In addition, the plans should discuss rescue, treatment, and transfer to safety of casualties after recovery. This will require corresponding training of the crews and the procedures should be periodically reviewed to keep them in step with any legislation or best practice changes.
The marine crew deployed in offshore
fields, and those on jobs at RO-RO passenger ferry.
Elite Offshore Pvt Ltd, established 2015, headquartered in CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai, is a renowned training institution specializing in safety and skill courses for the offshore and industrial sectors. With a commitment to excellence, Elite Offshore offers a wide range of courses designed to meet the specific needs of professionals working in challenging environments. These courses include BOSIET, HUET, HLO, HDA, OERTM, OERTL, and more, ensuring that individuals are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in their roles. As a trusted name in the industry, Elite Offshore is known for its state-of-the-art facilities, experienced trainers, and adherence to international safety standards. Through their training programs, they aim to enhance safety, efficiency, and proficiency in offshore and industrial operations, contributing to the success and well-being of professionals and organizations alike. Learn more about Elite Offshore Pvt Ltd and their comprehensive training solutions at Elite Offshore Pvt Ltd was founded with a clear goal - to enhance safety standards and promote unmatched skills development in the offshore industry. Established in 2015, the institute quickly gained a reputation as a reliable partner for individuals and organizations seeking exceptional training programs. With a commitment to delivering top-quality training solutions, Elite Offshore has become a recognized name in providing complete safety and skill development programs for the industrial and offshore oil and gas sector. It's not just a training center but a hub of knowledge, safety, and professional growth.
Offshore Oil and Gas courses Port and Marine Courses Wind Energy courses Industrial and OSHA courses Electrical and Instrumentation courses Hydraulics and Mechanics course IADC Approved courses OPITO Approved courses MODU Courses Liberia Approved courses Offshore E-Learning IADC RigPass
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